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Weekend Recap

The holiday is over and we are all going back to work.  What a let down.

Our holiday went off without a hitch! It started with A LOT of prep work on Wednesday and then dinner and a hockey game on Wednesday night.

Then we had Bloody Mary’s with the neighbors on Thurs morning and the in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner.  I did manage to get 3 miles in with the dogs.

I bribed my husband to brave WALMART with me at 10pm on Thurs night.  And I did manage to get what I wanted.  But by then, I didn’t have anything left in me and we headed home instead of toughing it out for Target.  And after searching Target’s all weekend, I never did find what I had wanted from their ad.  But we did manage to find almost everything else during our Black Friday outing.

Saturday, I had an AWESOME 7 mile run and then we went to the annual craft fair.  After that was dinner out, a few more errands and home to collapse.

Yesterday was fairly quiet.  I worked around the house to switch from Autumn to Winter decor (still a work in progress) while Michael went to the Judas Priest Concert with the neighbors.

Did you brave Black Friday?  What was your biggest score?

We did brave it.  But the biggest score came yesterday at Sam’s.  The LAST Blu-Ray copy (that we could see) of Transformers:Dark of the Moon for $9.88.  Makes up for never finding that set of bowls at Target.

Regarding: Black Friday


I have been looking at the Black Friday ads online for 2 weeks.  And I was especially excited (yes, I said excited) about the Pyrex bowls that both Walmart and Target were going to have on sale.  And while I don’t really stay up until midnight, and I DEFINITELY don’t get up at 5am, I could stay up until 10pm.

This is what Walmart looked like at 10pm Thurs night. I actually heard a Walmart employee say, “No one needs to get hurt.”  I was LAUGHING through the entire experience.  I thought Michael was going to kill me for bribing him to go with me. We were NOT at one of the Walmart’s with gun play and pepper spray.

I still need to get back to Target today to find the set I am looking for there.  They were out yesterday.  The woman said they were getting a truck in last night and should have them back on the shelf this morning.


By the time we went out around 10am on Friday, there were no lines and we found most of what we were looking for.  And this is what we were enjoying by 4pm on Fri.  I also scored some socks, a new pair of everyday kicks (Saucony’s) and some movies including the seasons of Mad Men and 24.

Off to check Target and run 7 miles this morning.  Have to get back to my Long Run Saturdays and I can’t think of a better weekend to start.