Blog Archives

Monday: Burdon of Proof

Image 12-10-12 at 3.57 PMIt wasn’t exactly the early morning run I had planned, but I decided to combine my run with some other errands.  So by the time I got out to the trail, it was almost 10am.  Which was fine by me because it was cold Monday morning.  SO cold that Michael even turned on the heat.  And then I turned it back off.

Run: 5 miles (trail) / 1:08 something.

And Monday, my HOA fight continued.  I was told today that IF I could provide PROOF of when my pictures were taken, they would waive the fine.  WHAT THE FUCK (sorry)!!!  They fine me for a violation they say happened in Nov, but use August pictures in their notification, and I have to provide proof?  Where the hell is your PROOF?

So I attached some screen shots that include the date/time stamp of my pictures and sent it back.  And then sent a second email demanding (mostly in a nice way) their proof of the Nov violation.  Unbelievably.  I truly do believe at this point that they have NO proof of a second violation and are just trying to boost revenues before the end of the year.

And Jack.  Oh Jack.  You save the world by developing a heroin habit, killing your boss and chopping off your partner’s hand.  Do you make it to rehab?  And thank God there will be no more President Palmer.

Thursday: Progress and No Progress - It will be a great day for fans and players alike when the lockout ends and Gary Bettman is no longer the NHL Commissioner! ReplaceBettman.comThe blah’s continued into Thursday, with some help from a bad dream about the dog.  I had to get up and find her to get the dream to stop.  The dog is fine.

I gave myself Thursday off.  From exercise.  From worrying about what I eat.  From everything.  And I do feel a bit recharged and less blah.

And hey, guess what?  There is still no CBA in Hockey.  The league rejected yet another player proposal.  I think all of the players should go play in Finland.  Or Russia.  I would watch.  And don’t come back until there is a new Commissioner.

IMG_0312I did make two perfectly (to me) poached eggs today for lunch.  Aren’t they pretty?  Breakfast was half of a muffin.  There was an apple, an orange.  And then randomness of taquito’s, chips and salsa and an egg roll for dinner.  And a small glass of wine. know I am only in Season 3 of 24, but I want a new President.  Palmer is just not doing it for me anymore.  Take Sherri and David with you on your way out.

Monday: Da G’s

IMG_0308George and Gracie are back!  I just love winter decorating.  And snowmen.  And the red/silver color combination.

My right leg/quad still felt wonky Monday so I opted for a bike ride.  And by the time the craptastic afternoon had ended, there was more wine and less gym in my plans.  All will be right with the world again on Tuesday.

Bike: 8 miles / 45 minutes

IMG_0307I went out on a limb a little with breakfast.  It was coffee, an english muffin and a soft boiled egg!  Lunch was a chicken sausage and sweet potato.  Dinner was a yummy pork roast with mashed potatoes and corn.  There was wine.  An apple in there somewhere.  And a lindt chocolate ball.

I finally went back and watched the last season of Heroes.  Anyone remember that show?  It was HORRIBLE, the last season.  I am not sure why I quit on the show back then, but I can say seriously I should have skipped it now.  I have moved on to Season 3 of 24.  I know, I get it. I am only 9 years late (season 3 was in 2003). Oh, Jack.  You can kick the heroin.  I know you can.  And I wasn’t really expecting Nina to be back. And could Kim have a season where she doesn’t get into trouble?  Please?

Sloth Sunday: Housewives do it faster

20120916-185333.jpgI don’t know why I call it that except Sunday is the only day of the week that I don’t do some sort of run or workout. Before I knew it this morning, I was making a trip to Urgent Care (SOMEONE has pink eye) and gassing up the car and zooming through Costco. Then I had the soup started and was speed-cleaning the house. Sloth my ass.

So there was no actual workout today, but the speed-cleaning did make me sweat. Floors, laundry, 2 bathrooms and the litterbox.  Housewives of South Mountain.  And then I watched Davis Cup tennis.

Meals today followed the same overall schedule as the last couple of days. I had coffee at 8am. A protein bar at 10am. An apple and some carrots around noon. An english muffin with strawberry jam at 2:30. A beer at 4:30. Chicken Tortilla Soup and chips at 6:00. With another beer. And of course some guacamole to celebrate National Guacamole Day.

Then we settled in for some mindless tv (Housewives of NJ).  I am on team Melissa and Joe.

There are no good shows starting up yet.  I am waiting for Survivor and Amazing Race.  So in the meantime, we are trying to catch up on the life of Jack Bauer.  Because we were too lame to watch 24 when it was actually on, we are now watching it on DVD. We are only on season 3.  By time we are finished, Jack will be back on the grid and on the big screen, saving the world yet again.  Just a guess.

Speaking of the big screen, did you hear they are almost finished with an Entourage screenplay?  Is anyone else excited about that?

Weekend Recap

Friday I was a flake and forgot to post all together.  You are welcome.

Long Run Saturday was 6 miles in 1:12:57.  Nothing speedy about that but right where my pace chart says I should be on long runs.  Then we POWERED through some errands.  And I mean 7 stops in about 2 hours. Got a lot done.

Sloth Sunday was very quiet.  I watched some tennis (poor Ferrer) and went to Costco.  Then I laid around and read (finished The Art of Fielding and started The Scorch Trials) and watched tv.  My sister and I checked out a trail head right near here.    And then Michael brought home dinner while he was out running errands.

Chuckwalla 1AAnd I saw my first Chuckwalla! It is not my picture as the guy we saw scurried under a rock. But he did have some orange on him. Too cool.

We rewatched Sherlock Holmes, Game of Shadows on Friday night.  I hadn’t seen it since the theater.  I had forgotten how funny that movie is.

Now I am going back to watching 24.  We never watched it when it was on but got hooked on the DVD’s.  I just have to buy Seasons 3 & 4. Especially since that is where we left off.