Regarding: Hiking

Well, Sunday was supposed to be a rest day for me after my long run of 6 miles on Saturday.  But Michael decided it would be a good day to take the dogs (who says I am kidless?) hiking up at Pilot Mountain.  Since he doesn’t normally advocate taking the dogs out in public (not sure why), I agreed to take the trip.

We headed out early to try and beat the heat (and avoid the chance of afternoon thunderstorms).  The dogs seem to know that something special was happening.  Michael really lured me into the trip by promising to stop at Dunkin Donuts (COFFEE ROLL!). Here we are in the car.

The hiking went very well.  Solo attacked the steps and hills like he had found his inner athlete. Annabelle was her normal, peppy self.

I promise not to spend too much time on this blog talking about the dogs.  There are other places to do that.  But this was how we spent our Sunday.  It beats soccer games, birthday parties or homework.

About nfoste2245

I am approaching 40 and have been married since my early 20's. I have become more than a little frustrated with having to answer incredibly personal questions about my choice to not have children. It is apparently taboo to talk about religion and politics, but confronting me about my reproductive choices is fair game. It is not a choice I made alone, quickly or lightly. My husband and I made it together. I am not "withholding" children or grandchildren from anyone. There is an astonishing lack of understanding over the idea that it is an actual choice, to have a child or not. There is also an amazing lack of support, discussion and resources for those like me, that have made the choice. This is not a blog for kid-haters, or mocking people for having kids. It is a place where we can talk about living full lives, without kids, and without guilt.

Posted on August 22, 2011, in Travel and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I love hiking with the pooches and now that Bacchus’s leg is healed, we can start doing that again before the ticks become rampant again in the Fall.

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