Regarding: Survival

It is Saturday, September 3rd and I have officially entered survival mode. How to survive the college football season?

Tonight, I am able to pull up US Open tennis on the laptop (since Tennis Channel is NOT showing the match I want to see) and can sit in the same room while Michael watches LSU v Oregon. But college football will now consume Thursdays, Saturdays and, later in the season, Fridays. I have been trying to steer Michael to hockey, but he keeps changing the subject back to college football.

Can I make this more clear…I DON’T CARE ABOUT COLLEGE FOOTBALL!

34 Days to Hockey!!!!!

About nfoste2245

I am approaching 40 and have been married since my early 20's. I have become more than a little frustrated with having to answer incredibly personal questions about my choice to not have children. It is apparently taboo to talk about religion and politics, but confronting me about my reproductive choices is fair game. It is not a choice I made alone, quickly or lightly. My husband and I made it together. I am not "withholding" children or grandchildren from anyone. There is an astonishing lack of understanding over the idea that it is an actual choice, to have a child or not. There is also an amazing lack of support, discussion and resources for those like me, that have made the choice. This is not a blog for kid-haters, or mocking people for having kids. It is a place where we can talk about living full lives, without kids, and without guilt.

Posted on September 3, 2011, in Sports, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Go Michael!! College Football is the BEST season of the year!!

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