Food Friday: Orange Coconut Cupcakes

Fridays bring the weekend.  And for me, the weekends bring a long run in my half marathon training plan.  Because of the long runs, I usually treat myself to something I wouldn’t normally have in the calorie bank to eat.  Most of the time it is something homemade, baked and over the top.  But I can’t lie, once in a while it is Five Guys.

This weekend, it is Orange Coconut Cupcakes.  Let me be clear.  I am not a fan of hot fruit with the exception of anything apple.  And I don’t particularly like white chocolate.  But something about these cupcakes just works.  With the white chocolate chips and cut up pieces of mandarin oranges.  I cheat on the frosting and use buttercream out of a can.  But who cares.

Since I am seeing my good friend on Saturday for the W-S Open tennis tournament, she will score a bunch of these for her and her family.


About nfoste2245

I am approaching 40 and have been married since my early 20's. I have become more than a little frustrated with having to answer incredibly personal questions about my choice to not have children. It is apparently taboo to talk about religion and politics, but confronting me about my reproductive choices is fair game. It is not a choice I made alone, quickly or lightly. My husband and I made it together. I am not "withholding" children or grandchildren from anyone. There is an astonishing lack of understanding over the idea that it is an actual choice, to have a child or not. There is also an amazing lack of support, discussion and resources for those like me, that have made the choice. This is not a blog for kid-haters, or mocking people for having kids. It is a place where we can talk about living full lives, without kids, and without guilt.

Posted on August 19, 2011, in Food/Restaurants and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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