Blog Archives

Regarding: Ugh

CrossFit Winston Salem – - -CWAll I can say is that it SOUNDS not so bad, but I am sure they will find a way to make it torture. They can’t fool me anymore.

Last night, I ran 4 miles.  It wasn’t a great 4 miles.  But it got done.  Today, everything seems sore.

Dogs to daycare today.  But that means I can stop for Dunks coffee on my way back.  $1.07 if you bring your own cup!

More Bark for my Buck

So the dogs went to daycare today. It is cleaning day and it is just easier for the dogs to be there, than here.  And we all know about Solo and his 4pm temper tantrums.  Well, I just happened to look at the dogs on the camper cams around 4:15 and do you know what I saw?  Solo.  BARKING.  So if he is doing the same exact thing there that he would do here, what is the point?  That I don’t have to listen to him.  THEY can have more BARK for my BUCK!  Hahahaha.